Vernon Taylor and other guests at the unveiling of the Mare Island Original 21/25 Memorial on November 17, 2010.
Clarence Williams sharing his memories of the Original 21/25's work during the 1960s at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard during the memorial unveiling ceremony.
Jake Sloan, Louis Greer, Boston Banks, Jr., Matthew Barnes, Willie Capers, James Davis, and Clarence Williams holding Resolution of California Assembly on February 21, 2007.
Back row: Matthias Garni, Anthony Gilmore, Jake Sloan, Clarence Williams, James Davis.
Front row: Boston Banks, Jr., John Hines, Willie Capers, Matthew Barnes, Eddie Brady. Vallego Naval and Historical Museum. February, 2007.
Front row: Boston Banks, Jr., John Hines, Willie Capers, Matthew Barnes, Eddie Brady. Vallego Naval and Historical Museum. February, 2007.
The Mare Island Original 21/25 Memorial unveiling event was held on Mare Island on November 17, 2010.
Global Hero Round Table
Jake Sloan - Speaker
April 21 & 22, 2018
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"Well, as I recall, we had a ceiling on Mare Island. Not only was it called a glass ceiling, at that time it was a ceiling where there were no blacks that was promoted in any shops."
— Jim Davis, Mare Island Original 21/25 member
Standing Tall: Willie Long vs. U.S. Government at Mare Island Naval Shipyard
An important, yet long unknown story about the civil rights movement is now brought to life through Jake Sloan’s inspiring firsthand, well-researched account of the courage and activism of a brave group of African American men working at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, California during the 1960s..